Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Han mother Sinless Only Begotten Daughter?

The Unification Sanctuary encourages you to listen very carefully to Hak Ja Han's words on July 15, we think you'll be surprised.


The following statements are based on the public speech of Mrs. Moon in Thailand on May 13, 2017 as well as other speeches given after Rev. Moon's passing in 2012.

As loyal and faithful Unificationists, most of us believed and assumed that Rev. and Mrs. Moon were absolutely "One".  We could not imagine a scenario where that would not be true. However, many of the things we have heard from Hak Ja Han since Rev. Moon passed away have challenged that assumption.

Listen carefully. Is this the same teaching that you accepted many years ago? You have to decide for yourself before heaven. Are her words still consistent with Divine Principle?

Hak Ja Han Moon claims she is the Only Begotten Daughter, born sinless, from the Han lineage.

The Principle of Restoration teaches that at Christ's Second Coming, he will take a physical bride chosen from out of the fallen lineage and restore her to become his partner as True Parents.

Mrs. Moon gives very little mention or credit to Rev. Sun Myung Moon. His discovering the Divine Principle and his lifetime of sacrifice are rarely, if ever, spoken of.

Mrs. Moon hardly speaks of her husband. Where is the love and appreciation? Where is the respect?

Christians everywhere always give praise and honor to their savior, Jesus Christ. Mrs. Moon wants you to put her on equal footing with Jesus. If so, why did Jesus never speak about the coming of the "Sinless Only Begotten Daughter?" Why did Father Moon never teach anything about her being born "sinless"?

What is the Family Federation teaching about the mission of Sun Myung Moon?

  • Is he still the designated and anointed Second Coming of Christ foretold in the Bible?
  • Or was his role only part of the environment for the Only Begotten Daughter?
  • If her coming is more important, why does the Bible make no reference to the "Sinless Only Begotten Daughter?"

Mrs. Moon claims that the "True Parents" are the Only Begotten Son (Jesus) and the Only Begotten Daughter (herself). She says salvation comes through True Parents.

Apparently, the physical couple of Rev. and Mrs. Moon is no longer the True Parents.

Mrs. Moon claims Christians have been mistakenly waiting for Jesus to return when actually Heaven's Providence was searching for the Only Begotten Daughter, herself, for the last 2,000 years.

So Christianity has been looking in the wrong place for 2,000 years and for the wrong gender? Unification Sanctuary supporters do love Mrs. Moon, but we believe she has been seriously led astray by a false teaching, possibly from the discredited medium Hyo Nam Kim (aka Dae Mo Nim).

We stand ready to openly discuss with anyone who loves Rev. Sun Myung Moon how we can unite together to honor his teachings and life’s work of building a physical Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Just as the Holy Spirit leads believers to the words, life and person of Jesus Christ, Hak Ja Han Moon would represent “True Parents” when she upholds the life, words and lineage of Sun Myung Moon as the 2nd Coming of Christ, but instead she proclaims her own era of the “Sinless Only Begotten Daughter.”

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