Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Crimes of Han Mother Preamble

Crimes of Han Mother


Since the dawn of creation and the awaking of Adam, God has hoped and desired to experience His ideal of True Love. To that end, even though he had Adam, the final pinnacle of creation for that ideal to be realized is Eve.

True love can only come with freedom. The freedom to choose to love and sacrifice. This same freedom of the creator's love is poured into his children and lineage. Just as the creator who chose to give of himself without condition, the responsibility of his choices and actions are His, and so it is with the freedom endowed into His children, it also comes with the responsibility of choice.

In the garden where His hope and dream lives, choices by the children need to be made to reach the age of their blessing and inheritance.

From the darkness comes a voice of self-pity. Slowly that ancient serpent starts his effort of entrapment upon the daughter. Slowly enticing her to let go of her Father's words. Finally, that enemy of God's ideal, Satan, gives the false promise and belief to Eve of 'being like God himself'. She embraces the poison fruit offered her, defiling herself.

In the realization of her choice, she entices her brother, Adam; to prove his love for her by surrendering the love he has for his Father. That poison fruit is shared with Adam, and the vertical connection that goes beyond time and space and beyond both the realms of changeable and unchangeable, the very connection to the Father's heart is broken, and lost. God's children, have fallen away into the darkness, the Lineage is broken.

In His search for his lost children, the eternal Father only finds denial and blame. Out of His garden are cast those possessed by the darkness.

God our Father works to bring Adam back to life and return Him to the original garden. Through the ages of restoration and a path filled with untold deaths of the heart, blood flows, tears are shed, and sweat pours, step by step, and generation upon generation, God moves closer to True Adam living again in the garden.

Finally, Jesus comes after 4,000 years of an indescribable course to stand as the True Son. Hope and joy springs anew-in God's heart, but the prepared people, the very ones that should receive him, reject Christ. The True Adam is cast from the physical world, by the crucifixion His body is taken by Satan but his spirit he gives to his Father.

For 2,000 years, the realm of spirit gathers children of Christ and binds them to our Father. Still their bodies are under the bondage of Satan's earthly realms. Yet our Father has not given up and once more upon the earth, the True Son stands. Once more, he suffers, but this time he overcomes the very death of the body, not once, but seven times. In this, he frees not only himself but also Jesus and God of the pain and blockage of the crucifixion of 2,000 years ago.

Only one more part of the original garden is left to be brought back to our Father, his true daughter, the original Eve. God, through Adam, created Eve, and so it will be again, as God works to recreate Eve through his Son, the Lord of the Second Advent, the True Adam, Moon Sun Myung. God's hope to see the True Father and True Mother for the first time in all of creation fills his heart.

Still the ancient serpent works with all his might to entice and beguile. One by one most of the women the Lord of the Second Advent hopes to raise and bring home to the original garden choose the self-pity and false promises of one who was cast from heaven long ago, the fallen angel, and the father of all lies.

A new bride is chosen, Han Hak Ja, and upon a path very few, will ever fully know she walks with the Lord of the Second Advent. Many a foundation is laid and from 18 conceptions, 14 children are born to breath and walk this earth. There is heartache and betrayal at nearly every step and turn; still the Lord and his bride are carried forward. Often not by her own power but by the power and love of the True Adam she is carried forward.

The false father, that ancient serpent, keeps attempting to place coil upon coil of the serpent upon her heart. Once more the women listens to the lie and false promise of being like God. She enters in marriage with the false father. Unbelievable is the betrayal and enslavement. The hope and dream of True Mother is betrayed by the Fall of Han Hak Ja.

Our Father, the True Parent, the seed bearer, stands and does not bend to the darkness. Not only does True Adam stand, His two sons unite with him, and each other. He has passed his blessing and authority, along with all the inheritance to the true and pure son, Moon Hyung Jin Nim. He is supported, and lifted up, by not only his Father, but also his True Brother, Moon Kook Jin Nim.

The Father to Son axis remains and stands, as the very core of the cosmos.

The crime of Han Hak Ja is not solely her failure to fulfill her personal and providential responsibility as True Mother, but also Crime against God, Crime against True Father, the Messiah, and her husband, Crime against God’s Lineage and His children, and Crime against the entire humanity, past, current and the future.

The people of the Kingdom of Heaven, Cheon Il Guk, who are sovereign children of Almighty God, expose and accuse Han Hak Ja, exercising authority and responsibility as the co-inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven, with the Second King; which are given not because of themselves, but because of the victory of the united Cain and Abel and the grace of the blessing from True Father of God's Lineage.

True Father spoke to the 2nd generation as the leader of Family Hoon-Dok Hwe, that when Mother made a mistake or failed, they should be able to tell Mother “Mother, you must repent. You can’t live (has no way to live) unless you receive the blessing again from me.” (“The Owner of Peace, The Owner of Lineage” P. 110, in the original Korean version. July 7, 2009 @ East Garden)

It is the authority and responsibility given by True Father to CIG citizens as sovereign children of God and co-inheritors, standing with and for the Second King, to bring these claims against this fallen woman.

I invite Jamal Johnson speaking on behalf of the sovereign children and Kings and Queens of CIG to present the claims against the one who now incarnates the Mother of Harlots, and Whore of Babylon.

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