Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Why did FFWPU Edit Hak Ja Han's Speech?

Why did FFWPU Edit Hak Ja Han's Speech?

Many Unificationists were probably encouraged that the Han Mother mentioned True Father Sun Myung Moon's name in her public speeches after four years of avoiding any identification of whom she married in 1960. She did so a little more than two weeks ago in her Dec. 28 speech in Newark, NJ titled, "Clergy Rally, A New Hope of a Heavenly Unified World."

Then Tim Elder, Director of World Missions for the Unification Sanctuary took a closer look at the speech.

During her remarks at the rally, Hak Ja Han said the following:

"나는 하늘의 섭리를 알았기 때문에 다시 오마하신 예수그리스도의 대신 사명을 갖고 오신 문선명과 1960년에 성혼을 했습니다.

Tim Elder's translation is as follows:

"In 1960, because I knew Heaven's providence, I married Moon Sun Myung, who came with the substitute mission of Jesus Christ who said he would return."

Tim explains

"In Korean culture, only a criminal would deserve to have his name called out in public without so much as a "Mr." in front of his name.

A person who understands Korean language and culture will certainly be shocked by Hak Ja Han's conscious choice (she thought about for several seconds) not to put even the smallest honorific next to Father's name.

In fact, the person who inputted Korean subtitles into the Peace TV edition of this event inserted the words "총재님" (honored president) in parentheses after Father's name. The official English version inserts "Dr." before Father's name in the subtitles. So even the Family Federation staff realized that Han had gone too far in her effort to reduce Father."

When the "Mother of the Universe" feels no need to express respect for Father, even humble translators see the need to hide that fact by adding honoring words she never said. However, this omission does not stand alone, but is part of the larger context to obscure his teachings.

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