Saturday, December 19, 2020

We and Hak Ja Han mother

All of us are all in the same situation as Hak Ja Han mother

  • We can change True Father’s words if we want, even if he said that his teaching is for humankind salvation.
  • We can reject and criticize Moon Hyung Jin, Father’s anointed heir, even if Father said that the ones who reject him are the ones who are destroyers.
  • We can create our own understandings about who is True Father Sun Myung Moon, because he is not here physically with us; when Father was here physically, externally we were all behind him saying “Yes” Father, we love you. We find out that some did it externally, for positions, money or even bring their communist, leftist ideologies in the midst.

Our relationship with God depends very much on our unity with the Words of God through the scriptures that True Father Sun Myung Moon has left us. Hak Ja Han proclaims herself the Only Begotten daughter of God, that's fine with me, but it should be her in the first place who should unite with the original scriptures of Christ and growing through it. She should not have changed the precious words of God that He gave us through our True Father Sun Myung Moon.

This is the essential reason why the schism occurred in our movement! We should not forget that.

Father Sun Myung Moon is not confused about the 8 great textbooks. They were the leaders of the world and each of them received a copy of these books. "You must study them now and in the Spiritual World." Certainly, Han mother and the Federation of Families think they know things better than True Father. They think they have the right to change them.

True Father Sun Myung Moon urges us to take care of the Eight Great Textbooks more than he himself does

In his speech "The Meaning of the Eight Great Textbooks", given to the Assembly of European Leaders (19-24 August 2012, Professor Oh told the audience that Father had asked everyone to take care of the Eight Great Books.

"Please take care of these Eight Great Textbooks more than I am right now because I am living in those textbooks. I am in the word." In his speech, "The Meaning of the Eight Great Textbooks", Assembly of European Leaders (19-24 August 2012)

Therefore, if you change True Father’s scriptures, you are taking away True father from the picture! (In the inner sense) That is what Hak Ja Han and the members has done and have divorced True Father.

The members of the Family fed have the responsibility to not only speak and testify about True Father and his heir, but also that Sun Myung Moon is the subject partner over God’s providence and over Hak Ja Han, even if he is in the spiritual world.

Now we are seeing the fraudulent witnessing style; Family fed Members teaches Sun Myung Moon teachings, for a couple of days, and on the last day, they conclude with the heresies of the mother Han. This is a fraud. Stop the fraud! It is enough to steal the words of True Father Sun Myung Moon, concluding with the heretical teaching of Hak Ja Han.

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