Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Han mother say, Han lineage is the messianic lineage

The Misdeeds of Hak Ja Han

It goes without saying that it is painful to proclaim this message

Hak Ja Han believes that the Han lineage is the messianic lineage.

The process of changing the lineage occurred while I was in my mother’s womb. This is something you have to believe. (19)

Hak Ja Han, July 1, 2014

400-800 BC in Korea there was a kingdom, and that kingdom was the kingdom of the Han tribe. That Han tribe spread throughout all of Korea and Japan. In concluding, the Korean peninsula was to await the birth of the Lord of the Second Advent, the Only Begotten Daughter. (20)

Hak Ja Han, October 24, 2016

But True Father says

Mother came from the lineage of the fallen archangel. To do this I had to go forward with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Therefore, I came this far with that kind of belief and faith. Since she came from the fallen lineage, I had to go completely the opposite way of the universe. (21)

  • The mother is not primarily essential for restoration, for any number of them can be established. If Adam had not fallen, Eve could have been re-created many times over. (22)
  • Now we entered the Completion Era and if Mother does not fulfill her responsibility, there are plenty of candidates. (23)
  • There is one lineage, not two. (24)

Hak Ja Han teaches that it is Eve’s responsibility to restore fallen Adam

Hak Ja Han stated:

Father, who was born with original sin, could have that original sin removed as a result of meeting me, the Only Begotten Daughter born into this world without original sin. Father was not supposed to marry any other woman before meeting me. (25)

Hak Ja Han, December 30, 2016

But True Father stated:

The first seven years after the Holy Wedding Ceremony were the period to raise up Mother with heavenly education. During this period, Father continually prayed for this, day and night. Even Mother did not know all the significance behind this period, but Father substantially restored the heavenly daughter, heavenly spouse and the standard of True Parents, all of which were lost by the Fall. (26)

  • The realm of total perfection cannot be achieved without a condition for restoring fallen Eve. (27)
  • Before Christ came, woman was laboring as the archangel’s wife. But when the Christ comes, the archangel will lose his bride to him. (28)
  • A person in the position of the archangel’s wife has to be restored to the position of Eve. (29)


In conclusion, please ask yourself:

  • 1. What is the spiritual force behind the person who destroys the words of Christ?
  • 2. What is the spiritual force that removes the heir appointed by the Messiah to continue his work?
  • 3. What is the spiritual force that elevates an archangelic lineage over the unfallen and perfected Adam?

It has to be someone who is the enemy of Christ.

But whoever obeys his word, truly in this person the love of God has been perfected. 1 John 2:5


19. “A Time to be United, Inside and Out,” Cheon Jeong Gung (palace), South Korea, July 1, 2014. Accessed on July 9, 2017 at:

20. Hak Ja Han, public meeting, October 24, 2016.

21. “Hoon Dok Hae,” The New Yorker Grand Ballroom, New York, NY, October 1, 2003.

22. Speech from September 9, 1999. Cheong Seong Gyeong (Seoul: Hwang Sun-jo [Publisher], 2006), “The Way in the Completed Testament Age,” (303-264, 1999.9.9), p. 1,595.

23. Speech from October, 15, 1999. The Selected Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon [South Korean Publication in Korean], Vol. 312, (1999.10.15), p. 177.

24. “The Final Stage of True Parents’ Holy Wedding,” September 2, 2011.

25. Hak Ja Han’s speech on December 30, 2016 at “Parents’ Special Gathering for Early Woman Leaders” meeting at the Cheon Jeong Gung (palace) with 200 wives of families who received the Holy Blessing between 1960 and 1968. Content accessed in May 2017 at:

26. Blessing and Ideal Family (New York: HSA Publications, 1993), “The Holy Wedding of True Parents and the Blessed Family,” p. 399.

27. God’s Will and the World (New York: The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, 1985), “Change of Blood Lineage: The Real Experience of Salvation by the Messiah,” Seoul, South Korea, October 13, 1970, p. 44.

28. Blessing and Ideal Family (New York: HSA Publications, 1993), “Process of the Blessing,” p. 318.

29. God’s Will and the World (New York: The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, 1985), “Change of Blood Lineage: The Real Experience of Salvation by the Messiah,” Seoul, South Korea, October 13, 1970, p. 45.


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Publication date: July 10, 2017. First edition.

Newfoundland, PA, United States of America.

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