Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hak Ja Han No longer wife of the True Parent

No longer wife of the True Parent

Due to the unbreakable bond of loyalty and love between Hyung Jin Sean Moon and True Father, the messianic mission continues to manifest on the earth in ever-more powerful ways. Particularly notable is the recent Cosmic Blessing (1) on September 23, 2017, of Sun Myung Moon to Hyun Shil Kang, his earliest disciple in South Korea.

Reverend Moon made it clear in his last public speech on July 16, 2012, (2) that he no longer had a wife:

“Mother –she was raised by me. (But) there is no True Mother. The position of the wife of the Reverend Moon is vacant. She is doing as she pleases! She does whatever she wants!”

With these videotaped words, True Father revealed to the world that Hak Ja Han was no longer in the position of True Mother. Less than two months before his death, Reverend Moon publicly confessed that he was without a spouse. 

Anyone with ears to hear can detect the anguish in his voice as he spoke the final line of his extemporaneous remarks (1:05:31) during his speech to the Abel Women UN Inauguration Assembly. 

UTS theologian Tyler Hendricks has mistranslated Reverend Moon’s message by utilizing the conditional tense in his own translation of the above (3) text.

As professional translator Andrew Lausberg has noted, there is no linguistic evidence to support Hendrick’s choice of tense. In particular, Reverend Moon’s use of the Korean expression  멋대로야!  멋대로 (translation: She is doing as she pleases! She does whatever she wants!) Has a definite, clearly negative nuance. It is a coarse, antagonistic statement using the present tense; the preponderance of evidence indicates that he is speaking about Hak Ja Han. (4)

With the hermeneutic provided by the Divine Principle, we are able to accurately view history as God’s story to resurrect his dead son Adam. Reverend Moon’s nine-year course of intensive Bible study uncovered the story of Adam’s family as the central story of human history. The Principle explains how the failure or success of biblical figures such as Noah, Abraham, or Jacob was based on whether they repeated or reversed the process that led to the Fall of Adam and Eve.

(1) This Blessing was the final, Perfection Level Blessing that True Father abruptly cancelled in 2012, despite the entreating of Hak Ja Han and Hyo Nam Kim.

(2) The speech, entitled Abel UN Women Inauguration speech, was originally expected to have been given by Hal Ja Han.

(3) The actual translation was provided by Hee Hun Standard.

(4) See “Review by Andy Lausberg of Tyler Hendricks’ Translation of True Father’s words at Inauguration of Women’s UN Assembly’” at

Reverend Moon, as the true Adam, devoted his entire life and ministry to restoring all that was lost by the first man due to his fall. Reverend Moon affirmed his course as the victorious Adam in his final prayer:

“I have completed everything. Today, as I have returned the conclusion of the final perfection to You, Father, I know that up to this moment, I have offered my whole life to You. I am spending this time now to bring my life to its conclusion, to bring to a close with utmost devotion, in accordance with Your Will.

In order that we may return to the original Garden of Eden, the Garden with no trace of the Fall, and surmount everything that came to be connected to Adam's portion of responsibility following the error committed by his betrothed...” Rev. Sun Myung Moon 8/13/12

In order to return to the original Garden, true Adam had to reestablish himself as the subject of Eve. It was Adam’s responsibility to remain faithful to God’s word and maintain his position as God’s son. By doing so, he would make it possible for Eve to separate from Satan and return as a loving object to her true subject. A restored Eve, then, must reverse the actions, which led to her fall, and submit to the authority of the man destined by God to be her husband.

Hak Ja Han did initially achieve great victories for heaven by her faith and obedience to the Messiah, bearing fourteen children as the True Mother. History will record that her initial unity with Reverend Moon made it possible for God to establish the position of True Parents on the earth.

Preeminent Original Substantial Divine Principle scholar Reverend Jeong-Ok Yu has clarified, however, that in the final hour, Hak Ja Han failed to fulfill the position of the wife of the True Parent:

“The Han mother wasn't able to stand in the position of the wife of the True Parent. Father taught this and told me that the Han mother followed him diligently but at the very end she betrayed him. I have heard Father say this many times. Many of you might have not had the opportunity to directly hear such words from Father but I have heard Father's words many times...The conclusion here is that the Han mother wasn't able to stand in the position of the wife to the True Parent. True Parents are God in substance and mother would have been in the position of the wife of God. That would have been the destination.” Rev. Jeong-Ok Yu 9/24/17

In the process of becoming one with God, a wife must become heartistically one with her husband. A good wife obeys her husband in the same manner that her husband obeys God. When a woman, as a bride of Christ, submits to her Bridegroom, she is able to unite with the man who is the very embodiment of God. Through her absolute fidelity to Christ, she can free herself from all ties to archangelic love. Only in this manner can God completely claim her back from Satan. 

Family Federation for World Peace and Unification theologians such as Andrew Wilson continue to propagate slick platitudes of Mrs. Moon’s ongoing devotion to her husband, portraying her as a wife totally united with her husband, eternally one in love.

This narrative, however, quickly crumbles when we take an inquisitive, cursory look at Hak Ja Han’s words and actions before and after the death of her husband:

  • Does a loving wife tell her husband that he comes from a fallen lineage, but she has no original sin?
  • In the hospital, does a loving wife try to have the doctors remove life support from her husband, even though he is still fully conscious?
  • Does a loving wife become angry at people who talk in a favorable manner about her recently deceased husband?
  • Does a loving wife take down pictures of herself together with her husband after he dies, and replace them with pictures of herself, alone, dressed as a regal empress?
  • Does a loving wife, who is the bride of Christ, virtually never testify to the incredible sacrifice and suffering her Savior endured so that she might be saved?
  • Does a loving wife change her husband’s writings, when he said never, ever, to touch one word? Would she start editing her spouse’s work while he was on his deathbed?
  • Would a loving wife claim to have learned nothing from her husband, a pastor who said he had spent the most energy and prayer of his entire ministry to raise her up?
  • Would a loving wife abandon the son whom her husband personally chose as his heir? Especially when that son had done nothing except remain faithful to his father’s wishes?

Reverend Moon had this to say about the guiding principle of history: “When we look at the history of six thousand years until now, it has been a history in search of a man. It has been searching for a man. This is because women are restored through men. At the time of creation, woman was created after man; it is an unchangeable fact that history is in search of a man. The principle of history does not change.” Blessing and Ideal Family, Volume I, p. 297

But Hak Ja Han directs us to a totally new narrative:

“All of Christian history was for the foundation of the Only Begotten Daughter. The way of Christianity was to make a foundation of the Only Begotten Daughter...400-800 BC in Korea there was a kingdom, and that kingdom was the kingdom of the Han tribe. That Han tribe spread throughout all of Korea and Japan. In concluding, the Korean peninsula was to await the birth of the Lord of the Second Advent, the Only Begotten Daughter.” Hak Ja Han 10/24/16

The above spoken words do not emanate from a heart of love towards Christ. Tragically, they convey the same arrogance by which Eve took subject position over Adam in the process of the Fall.

Reverend Moon truly loved Hak Ja Han, and was grateful for her many sacrifices made over many decades. But he never said she was born free from original sin, nor did he ever refer to the Han lineage as messianic in nature. On the contrary, he gave her stern warnings such as the one spoken during Hoon Dook Hae on January 19, 2012:

“Mother is going her own way like a demon [dokkaebi]. She is not walking the same road as Father. Do not brag about Anju [Mother’s hometown] and the family name Han. If you do that you don’t become True Mother.”

Hak Ja Han bore the cosmic responsibility to restore the position of Eve that was lost in the Garden. She had to freely choose to believe and unite with God’s words as spoken and lived through the true, restored Adam. It was her duty to deny her archangelic lineage by submitting and disappearing into the lineage of her husband, the returning Christ. The lineage of God can only be one, never two.

Reverend Moon deeply cared for his wife of 52 years, and did everything possible to help her succeed. But it was her job alone to achieve and maintain the position of a loving wife who was also the head bride of Christ. Although Father established the foundation making it possible for his wife to become the True Mother, he could not walk the course that belonged to Hak Ja Han alone.

In sharp contrast, Hyun Shil Kang has maintained her position as a faithful bride of Christ for the past 65 years. Always remaining in the background, she has never sought to raise herself up, but instead has spent her entire life testifying to her Lord and Savior:

“Since I was able to meet the Lord of the Second Advent in my life, there is nothing that I can’t do. I started this way, by swearing ‘I have to go this way even though I will be dying, and I will go this way even after my death.’” Hyun Shil Kang 12/21/16

Hyun Shil Kang, was called “the Mother of the Unification Church” by Reverend Moon.

A devoted evangelist, she visited Father’s cardboard shack in 1952 to witness to “the young man teaching very strange things (5),” but instead became his first disciple in South Korea. Her decision to leave FFWPU and join Sanctuary Church stemmed from her painful realization that Hak Ja Han had betrayed True Father:

(5) Hyun Shil Kang, Belvedere Speech, 8/82

“However, one day I heard of a certain word out of the blue. Mother said, ‘I was born without the original sin from the womb in the three clean generations of pure lineage, while Father was born together with the original sin.’ I could not understand however hard I tried to do so, and I struggled in pain for a couple of days. I couldn’t accept it with my conscience in faith.

I cannot understand the word that “I’m the Messiah and Mother God” either. Christians will laugh if they hear such a word as “the two thousand years of Christianity have been waiting for me, the Only Begotten Daughter.” I cannot be forced to believe this.

I do not think that a woman can be the Messiah, the Lord of the Second Advent.

Mother thinks of herself higher and bigger than the position of True Father as the Lord of the Second Advent. I can’t believe in demoting True Father’s position and elevating Mother’s position.” Hyun Shil Kang 12/21/16

It should be noted that this was a very difficult decision for Mrs. Kang, who noted in the same letter her deep love for the woman she still considered her True Mother, she wrote:

“Mother, whom I loved so much! If there had not been these things, I would never leave the Church no matter how strongly I was pushed out. I am one of the people who loved Mother, longing to be close to you (Mother). Although I’m leaving now, I will always remember and love Mother.” Hyun Shil Kang 12/21/16

A true Christian, Hyun Shil Kang understands the priceless value of the words of the Messiah:

“Father’s words resonated in the hearts of many, many people and brought them salvation. He was not just a normal teacher; he showed us God’s love. He was a person who lived a life that was incomparable to any other. If it were not for Father’s words soaked in his sweat, how else could God’s will have taken root in this world?” Hyun Shil Kang 3/3/17

Have we ever heard words such as these from Hak Ja Han?

Hyun Shil Kang could become the True Mother because she trusted, loved, and believed in Christ at the price of her life (6)

Her absolute support of the Three Kingships Providence is a great comfort to God; she has completely restored the Eve who prevented God’s lineage from being substantiated on the earth. And, because of her, we once again have our beloved True Parents!


Not long after moving into his new home in Pennsylvania, Kook Jin Nim had a dream in which Father told him to prepare a room in his house for True Mother to come live. At that time, both Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim were reaching out to Hak Ja Han, trying their best to help her return to Father. Several years later, Hyun Shil Kang moved into that same house, which had now become the Palace of the second King. After she was blessed as the True Mother, I was reminded of that dream, and realized that my elder brother Kook Jin Nim, united with the second King, had indeed fulfilled the request of his True Father.

(6) When warned by her doctors that the long flight from Korea to the United States could be deleterious to her health, her response was “If I die, I die.”

“No longer wife of the True Parent” November 2017, by Kerry Williams



  1. Yes let's come to the facts: "Does a loving wife tell her husband that he comes from a fallen lineage, but she has no original sin?"

  2. Here are very simple words but powerful ones from Mother Hyun Shi Kang: "I can’t understand the word that “I’m the Messiah and Mother God” either. Christians will laugh if they hear such a word as “the two thousand years of Christianity have been waiting for me, the Only Begotten Daughter.” I can’t be forced to believe this.
    I don’t think that a woman can be the Messiah, the Lord of the Second Advent."

    1. This lady obviously does not understand fathers teaching that the True Mother is the embodiment of the Holy Spirit who is the Mother Goddess. How can Mrs. Kang even think that she is the True Mother?
      TF: "The Holy Spirit, who is the Goddess, came down representing the earth. The Holy Spirit is the Mother Goddess. This Mother Goddess prepares a spiritual foundation and then meets the substantial Lord with a substantial body. That meeting is the time of the Feast of the Lamb. The person who reverses the six-thousand-year history, a history which did not produce the parents of goodness, is the True Parent, who comes at the end of that history. Pg. 320

      TF: “True Mother is the real entity of the Holy Spirit, but she is not a spirit, she is a physical mother.”

    2. To the anonymous; (Not even have sincerity to say who you are :) )
      The Holy Spirit is not a goddess; A goddess belong to the dark realm of death! far away from God's love and truth. What is Father Teaching? do you or Han Hakja really understand True Father Teaching? U do not ! Hum .. maybe you do! that's why you are changing True Father's teaching to suite your satanic purpose. How can you say that you love Father, but you hate the son? Tel me!


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Hak Ja Han No longer wife of the True Parent

No longer wife of the True Parent Due to the unbreakable bond of loyalty and love between Hyung Jin Sean Moon and True Father, the messian...

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