Sunday, September 29, 2019

Han mother No longer leads members to True Father

Hak Ja Han

No longer leads members to True Father Sun Myung Moon

"I am sorry to report that Mother Han no longer leads members to True Father. Hak Ja Han seldom mentions True Father in her speeches after his Seong Hwa. When she does manage to mention his name, it is often to point out that while he was born with sin, she was born sinless.

In her recent speech at Madison Square Garden, she stated that the UN Forces under General MacArthur came to Korea in 1950 to save her as the Only Begotten Daughter. It is shocking that nowhere did she mention that Father was in the Hung Nam death camp at the time. Even now, the Family Fed is using precious church funds raised through the blood, sweat and tears of brothers and sisters to create a Museum, where Hak Ja Han's "Only Begotten Daughter" Fake News version of history will be taught to future generations.

Of course, as you know, Hak Ja Han now claims equal authority to reverse Father's providential decisions, to alter and censor the 8 great textbooks that Father said never to change, and to fire the son that True Father chose as his successor in 2008 and crowned three times in 2009. Hak Ja Han has given no explanation regarding why she suddenly fired Hyung Jin Nim from all of his positions within a few months of Father's passing to spirit world, but it appears that she did so because he, as a filial son to his father, would not go along with her OBD agenda.

Thank you for saying what all the UTS professors and FFWPU leaders are afraid to say. Of course, the sad truth is that statements that would now need courage to state were simply common knowledge even just five years ago, before the Han Mother rewrote our Unification history.

Mrs. Eu, you will be happy to know that, through God's grace, we now have a True Mother, Hyun Shil Kang, whose every word is to testify to True Father's faith, courage and love for God. Father is no longer alone"!

Sincerely, Richard Panzer

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Richard to clear out this point: "I am sorry to report that Mother Han no longer leads members to True Father. Hak Ja Han seldom mentions True Father in her speeches after his Seong Hwa. When she does manage to mention his name, it is often to point out that while he was born with sin, she was born sinless."


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