Friday, November 27, 2020

Hak Ja Han Teaches that greed caused the Fall

Hak Ja Han Teaches that greed caused the Fall

When the "Mother of the Universe" feels no need to express respect for the Father, even humble translators see the need to hide that fact by adding honoring words she never said. However, this omission does not stand alone, but is part of the larger context to obscure his teachings. Read below.

Here a conversation between John and Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA


Richard, please explain your understanding of greed. To me greed would be a state of mind to use others for personal gain whether material, emotional, spiritual, or sexual. The opposite of greed would be living for the sake of others and noon-day-sun living meaning if people live in a greedless state, they would not use others for short-term pleasure, which would of course would include sex. I do not see a contradiction in the messages, but understand True Mother is addressing the state of mind prior to sexual activity


John, you could frame it that way, but I am most concerned about the audience.

Just telling them that "greed" caused the Fall gives them no clue about the real nature of God's command and no real insight about the importance of reserving sex for marriage.

In the context of historically high out-of-wedlock births among African-Americans (70%), among Hispanics (52%), among White non-Hispanics (30%), we are doing people no favors by being vague. 

Also, the term "greed" could easily be linked to the Marxist idea that "you are poor and suffering because all rich people are greedy." Thus leaving them, open to the temptation of government socialism to redistribute wealth from the "oppressors to the oppressed." This of course would violate the 10th commandment: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods”.  It would also encourage them to think of themselves as "passive victims" instead of using their God-given creativity to achieve their own goals in life.

The fact that Hak Ja Han sees no need to even pretend that she still wants to spread such a core Divine Principle teaching has obvious implications...

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