Thursday, September 1, 2022

Hak Ja Han No Longer the Wife of True Parents


Reverend Moon made it clear in his last public address, July 16, 2012, that he no longer had a wife:

"Mother - she was raised by me. (But) there is no real mother. Reverend Moon's wife position is vacant. She is doing her way! She does what she wants!"

With these videotaped words, True Father revealed to the world that Hak Ja Han was no longer in the position of True Mother.

Less than two months before her death, Reverend Moon publicly confessed that he was without a wife.

Anyone with ears to hear can hear the anguish in his voice as he concluded the impromptu remarks that begin at 1:05:22.

Preeminent Original Substantial Divine Principle scholar Reverend Jeong-Ok Yu has clarified, however, that in the final hour, Hak Ja Han failed to fulfill the position of the wife of the True Parent:

“The Han mother wasn't able to stand in the position of the wife of the True Parent. Father taught this and told me that the Han mother followed him diligently but at the very end, she betrayed him. I have heard Father say this many times. Many of you might have not had the opportunity to directly hear such words from Father but I have heard Father's words many times...The conclusion here is that the Han mother wasn't able to stand in the position of the wife to the True Parent. True Parents are God in substance and mother would have been in the position of the wife of God. That would have been the destination.” Rev. Jeong-Ok Yu 9/24/17

  • Does a loving wife tell her husband that he comes from a fallen lineage, but has no original sin?
  • In the hospital, a loving wife tells doctors to disconnect her husband's life support machinery, even though she is still fully conscious?
  • Does a loving wife get angry with people who speak favorably of her husband who has recently died?
  • Does a loving wife take photos of herself with her husband after she dies, and replace them with photos of herself alone, dressed as a royal empress?
  • Does a loving wife, who is the bride of Christ, practically never testify to the incredible sacrifice and suffering her Savior underwent in order to be saved?
  • Does a loving wife change her husband's writings when she never, ever says to touch a single word?
  • Would a loving wife start changing her husband's job while she was on her deathbed?
  • Would a loving wife claim that she learned nothing about her from her husband of hers, a pastor who said he spent most of the energy and prayer of her entire ministry to educate her?
  • Would a loving wife abandon her son whom her husband personally chose as her heir? Especially when that son had done nothing but remain true to his father's wishes?

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Hak Ja Han No longer wife of the True Parent

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