Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Lineage is more precious than love

FFWPU members have absolute love towards Han mother no matter what she does. But this, will that create God's kingdom?

Father says in God’s Ideal Family and The Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World - II

"...lineage is more important than life and more precious than love... God’s lineage contains the seed of true love. God’s lineage provides the context and environment for a true life.

" Hence, for us to become the ideal people envisioned by God, that is, people of ideal character, and to create ideal families, we first need to be linked to His lineage. To take it a step further, only when we are linked to God’s lineage is it possible to create God’s homeland, the ideal nation. Only when we are linked to God’s lineage is it possible to establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world."

Father left us his heir in order for us to be connected to that lineage in order to bring the Kingdom. It cannot be brought through his wife but only through his children, the reason Father anointed and appointed his heir and representative.


"Please inscribe the importance of lineage in your hearts. I cannot emphasize this enough. This is because the parent–child relationship is the highest and most important of all relationships, and the lineal relationship between parent and child is the only way through which God’s lineage can be bequeathed and made to last forever. You must be clear on this point."

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