Thursday, September 1, 2022

Hak Ja Han No Longer the Wife of True Parents


Reverend Moon made it clear in his last public address, July 16, 2012, that he no longer had a wife:

"Mother - she was raised by me. (But) there is no real mother. Reverend Moon's wife position is vacant. She is doing her way! She does what she wants!"

With these videotaped words, True Father revealed to the world that Hak Ja Han was no longer in the position of True Mother.

Less than two months before her death, Reverend Moon publicly confessed that he was without a wife.

Anyone with ears to hear can hear the anguish in his voice as he concluded the impromptu remarks that begin at 1:05:22.

Preeminent Original Substantial Divine Principle scholar Reverend Jeong-Ok Yu has clarified, however, that in the final hour, Hak Ja Han failed to fulfill the position of the wife of the True Parent:

“The Han mother wasn't able to stand in the position of the wife of the True Parent. Father taught this and told me that the Han mother followed him diligently but at the very end, she betrayed him. I have heard Father say this many times. Many of you might have not had the opportunity to directly hear such words from Father but I have heard Father's words many times...The conclusion here is that the Han mother wasn't able to stand in the position of the wife to the True Parent. True Parents are God in substance and mother would have been in the position of the wife of God. That would have been the destination.” Rev. Jeong-Ok Yu 9/24/17

  • Does a loving wife tell her husband that he comes from a fallen lineage, but has no original sin?
  • In the hospital, a loving wife tells doctors to disconnect her husband's life support machinery, even though she is still fully conscious?
  • Does a loving wife get angry with people who speak favorably of her husband who has recently died?
  • Does a loving wife take photos of herself with her husband after she dies, and replace them with photos of herself alone, dressed as a royal empress?
  • Does a loving wife, who is the bride of Christ, practically never testify to the incredible sacrifice and suffering her Savior underwent in order to be saved?
  • Does a loving wife change her husband's writings when she never, ever says to touch a single word?
  • Would a loving wife start changing her husband's job while she was on her deathbed?
  • Would a loving wife claim that she learned nothing about her from her husband of hers, a pastor who said he spent most of the energy and prayer of her entire ministry to educate her?
  • Would a loving wife abandon her son whom her husband personally chose as her heir? Especially when that son had done nothing but remain true to his father's wishes?

Saturday, December 19, 2020

We and Hak Ja Han mother

All of us are all in the same situation as Hak Ja Han mother

  • We can change True Father’s words if we want, even if he said that his teaching is for humankind salvation.
  • We can reject and criticize Moon Hyung Jin, Father’s anointed heir, even if Father said that the ones who reject him are the ones who are destroyers.
  • We can create our own understandings about who is True Father Sun Myung Moon, because he is not here physically with us; when Father was here physically, externally we were all behind him saying “Yes” Father, we love you. We find out that some did it externally, for positions, money or even bring their communist, leftist ideologies in the midst.

Our relationship with God depends very much on our unity with the Words of God through the scriptures that True Father Sun Myung Moon has left us. Hak Ja Han proclaims herself the Only Begotten daughter of God, that's fine with me, but it should be her in the first place who should unite with the original scriptures of Christ and growing through it. She should not have changed the precious words of God that He gave us through our True Father Sun Myung Moon.

This is the essential reason why the schism occurred in our movement! We should not forget that.

Father Sun Myung Moon is not confused about the 8 great textbooks. They were the leaders of the world and each of them received a copy of these books. "You must study them now and in the Spiritual World." Certainly, Han mother and the Federation of Families think they know things better than True Father. They think they have the right to change them.

True Father Sun Myung Moon urges us to take care of the Eight Great Textbooks more than he himself does

In his speech "The Meaning of the Eight Great Textbooks", given to the Assembly of European Leaders (19-24 August 2012, Professor Oh told the audience that Father had asked everyone to take care of the Eight Great Books.

"Please take care of these Eight Great Textbooks more than I am right now because I am living in those textbooks. I am in the word." In his speech, "The Meaning of the Eight Great Textbooks", Assembly of European Leaders (19-24 August 2012)

Therefore, if you change True Father’s scriptures, you are taking away True father from the picture! (In the inner sense) That is what Hak Ja Han and the members has done and have divorced True Father.

The members of the Family fed have the responsibility to not only speak and testify about True Father and his heir, but also that Sun Myung Moon is the subject partner over God’s providence and over Hak Ja Han, even if he is in the spiritual world.

Now we are seeing the fraudulent witnessing style; Family fed Members teaches Sun Myung Moon teachings, for a couple of days, and on the last day, they conclude with the heresies of the mother Han. This is a fraud. Stop the fraud! It is enough to steal the words of True Father Sun Myung Moon, concluding with the heretical teaching of Hak Ja Han.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Hak Ja Han Teaches that greed caused the Fall

Hak Ja Han Teaches that greed caused the Fall

When the "Mother of the Universe" feels no need to express respect for the Father, even humble translators see the need to hide that fact by adding honoring words she never said. However, this omission does not stand alone, but is part of the larger context to obscure his teachings. Read below.

Here a conversation between John and Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA


Richard, please explain your understanding of greed. To me greed would be a state of mind to use others for personal gain whether material, emotional, spiritual, or sexual. The opposite of greed would be living for the sake of others and noon-day-sun living meaning if people live in a greedless state, they would not use others for short-term pleasure, which would of course would include sex. I do not see a contradiction in the messages, but understand True Mother is addressing the state of mind prior to sexual activity


John, you could frame it that way, but I am most concerned about the audience.

Just telling them that "greed" caused the Fall gives them no clue about the real nature of God's command and no real insight about the importance of reserving sex for marriage.

In the context of historically high out-of-wedlock births among African-Americans (70%), among Hispanics (52%), among White non-Hispanics (30%), we are doing people no favors by being vague. 

Also, the term "greed" could easily be linked to the Marxist idea that "you are poor and suffering because all rich people are greedy." Thus leaving them, open to the temptation of government socialism to redistribute wealth from the "oppressors to the oppressed." This of course would violate the 10th commandment: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods”.  It would also encourage them to think of themselves as "passive victims" instead of using their God-given creativity to achieve their own goals in life.

The fact that Hak Ja Han sees no need to even pretend that she still wants to spread such a core Divine Principle teaching has obvious implications...

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

What Hak Ja Han is saying about Sun Myung Moon

Parent's Special Gathering for Early Woman Leaders

December 30th 2016

"Father, who was born with original sin, could have that original sin removed as a result of meeting me, the Only Begotten Daughter born into this world without original sin. Father was not supposed to marry any other women before meeting me."

Meeting on December 30, 2016 with 200 wives of families who received the Holy Blessing between 1960 and 1968 (Tim Elder’s translation):

"Father, who was born with original sin, could have that original sin removed as a result of meeting me, the only begotten daughter born into this world without original sin. Father was not supposed to marry any other woman before meeting me."

Speech of Han Hak Ja at Yong-Pyung Resort

Date: October 5, 2016

Place: Yong Pyeong Resort

Participant: 800 leaders from Japan and 650 leaders from Korea

Here is what Mother said at a meeting on December 30, 2016 with 200 wives of families who received the Holy Blessing between 1960 and 1968 (Tim Elder’s translation):

"Father, who was born with original sin, could have that original sin removed as a result of meeting me, the only begotten daughter born into this world without original sin. Father was not supposed to marry any other woman before meeting me."

What counts is what you do in the end

“Now we entered the Completion Era and if Mother does not fulfill her responsibility, there are plenty of candidates.” (October 15, 1999, page 177, volume 312)

Yes, the question is

Is there such a woman who can raise such a sperm in her uterus and have the loving mind of a mother to nurture it? I went even as far as divorce in order to find such a woman. Do you understand? That is why I might have a candidate trained to take the place of Mother.” (December 4, 2004, page 156-157, volume 479)

July 3, 2005

“If I have chosen Mother and she is unable to climb the hill with me, I may have her replaced for the sake of the Kingdom. Mother needs to become completely united with Father by the time we enter the greater world. Mother does not know this. Until now, Mother has been just like any other woman in the world.” (Page 235-36, volume 499)

When you are young you say many things, but what counts is what you do in the end.

True Father had hope for mother, but in the end, she did not fulfill her responsibility. By the time it was 2012 she rebelled openly, at the end in TF's absence went through a marriage ceremony with a spirit whom she called god.

This is all in black and white and video tapes

Why do you knowingly deceive yourself?

You are doing exactly what the Bible said long ago 

"they will have eyes and they will not see, they will have ears but they will not hear."

Clearly when you choose to walk blindfolded you find nothing but darkness, you opted for darkness and darkness you will get.

From Anslie Abraham

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Han mother say, Han lineage is the messianic lineage

The Misdeeds of Hak Ja Han

It goes without saying that it is painful to proclaim this message

Hak Ja Han believes that the Han lineage is the messianic lineage.

The process of changing the lineage occurred while I was in my mother’s womb. This is something you have to believe. (19)

Hak Ja Han, July 1, 2014

400-800 BC in Korea there was a kingdom, and that kingdom was the kingdom of the Han tribe. That Han tribe spread throughout all of Korea and Japan. In concluding, the Korean peninsula was to await the birth of the Lord of the Second Advent, the Only Begotten Daughter. (20)

Hak Ja Han, October 24, 2016

But True Father says

Mother came from the lineage of the fallen archangel. To do this I had to go forward with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Therefore, I came this far with that kind of belief and faith. Since she came from the fallen lineage, I had to go completely the opposite way of the universe. (21)

  • The mother is not primarily essential for restoration, for any number of them can be established. If Adam had not fallen, Eve could have been re-created many times over. (22)
  • Now we entered the Completion Era and if Mother does not fulfill her responsibility, there are plenty of candidates. (23)
  • There is one lineage, not two. (24)

Hak Ja Han teaches that it is Eve’s responsibility to restore fallen Adam

Hak Ja Han stated:

Father, who was born with original sin, could have that original sin removed as a result of meeting me, the Only Begotten Daughter born into this world without original sin. Father was not supposed to marry any other woman before meeting me. (25)

Hak Ja Han, December 30, 2016

But True Father stated:

The first seven years after the Holy Wedding Ceremony were the period to raise up Mother with heavenly education. During this period, Father continually prayed for this, day and night. Even Mother did not know all the significance behind this period, but Father substantially restored the heavenly daughter, heavenly spouse and the standard of True Parents, all of which were lost by the Fall. (26)

  • The realm of total perfection cannot be achieved without a condition for restoring fallen Eve. (27)
  • Before Christ came, woman was laboring as the archangel’s wife. But when the Christ comes, the archangel will lose his bride to him. (28)
  • A person in the position of the archangel’s wife has to be restored to the position of Eve. (29)


In conclusion, please ask yourself:

  • 1. What is the spiritual force behind the person who destroys the words of Christ?
  • 2. What is the spiritual force that removes the heir appointed by the Messiah to continue his work?
  • 3. What is the spiritual force that elevates an archangelic lineage over the unfallen and perfected Adam?

It has to be someone who is the enemy of Christ.

But whoever obeys his word, truly in this person the love of God has been perfected. 1 John 2:5


19. “A Time to be United, Inside and Out,” Cheon Jeong Gung (palace), South Korea, July 1, 2014. Accessed on July 9, 2017 at:

20. Hak Ja Han, public meeting, October 24, 2016.

21. “Hoon Dok Hae,” The New Yorker Grand Ballroom, New York, NY, October 1, 2003.

22. Speech from September 9, 1999. Cheong Seong Gyeong (Seoul: Hwang Sun-jo [Publisher], 2006), “The Way in the Completed Testament Age,” (303-264, 1999.9.9), p. 1,595.

23. Speech from October, 15, 1999. The Selected Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon [South Korean Publication in Korean], Vol. 312, (1999.10.15), p. 177.

24. “The Final Stage of True Parents’ Holy Wedding,” September 2, 2011.

25. Hak Ja Han’s speech on December 30, 2016 at “Parents’ Special Gathering for Early Woman Leaders” meeting at the Cheon Jeong Gung (palace) with 200 wives of families who received the Holy Blessing between 1960 and 1968. Content accessed in May 2017 at:

26. Blessing and Ideal Family (New York: HSA Publications, 1993), “The Holy Wedding of True Parents and the Blessed Family,” p. 399.

27. God’s Will and the World (New York: The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, 1985), “Change of Blood Lineage: The Real Experience of Salvation by the Messiah,” Seoul, South Korea, October 13, 1970, p. 44.

28. Blessing and Ideal Family (New York: HSA Publications, 1993), “Process of the Blessing,” p. 318.

29. God’s Will and the World (New York: The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, 1985), “Change of Blood Lineage: The Real Experience of Salvation by the Messiah,” Seoul, South Korea, October 13, 1970, p. 45.


The above text of “The Misdeeds of Hak Ja Han (First edition)” as work and as a document, is made available under the “WPUS Public Domain Dedication and Usage License, Version 1.1.”

Publication date: July 10, 2017. First edition.

Newfoundland, PA, United States of America.

WPUS Public Domain Dedication and Usage License – Version 1.1

The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. The license granted herein does not allow for any modification to the words or written content of the document and the document is required to be published in its entirety or in unmodified excerpts.

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Attribution is requested as follows: “Source: World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc.”

Han mother has usurped the Position of Messiah

The Misdeeds of Hak Ja Han

It goes without saying that it is painful to proclaim this message

Hak Ja Han Has Usurped the Position of Messiah

Hak Ja Han and high-ranking officials teach

That she is a female Messiah and the embodiment of God.

All of Christian history was for the foundation of the Only Begotten Daughter. The way of Christianity was to make a foundation of the Only Begotten Daughter. God’s providence was to find the Only Begotten Daughter. (15) Hak Ja Han, October 24, 2016

In coming to value True Mother, we are beginning to understand what it means that she is the embodiment of Mother God on earth. (16) Andrew Wilson, Our Alignment in the Era of True Mother, May 22, 2017

Holy Scriptures, however, teach that the Messiah is a man – not a woman.

Old Testament

I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came...

And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed. Daniel 7:13-14

New Testament

And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron. Revelation 12:5

I am coming soon; hold fast to what you have, so that no one may seize your crown...I will write on you the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem that comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name. Revelation 3:11-12

Completed Testament

Jesus came as the True Father whom Adam had failed to become. For this reason, the Bible speaks of him as “the last Adam” and the “Everlasting Father. (17) Exposition of the Divine Principle, p. 170

Furthermore, the Principle states that “the period of the Second Advent began soon after the end of the First World War.” (18) (WWI ended in 1918). Hak Ja Han, who was born in 1943, therefore, cannot be the Lord of the Second Advent.


15. Hak Ja Han, public meeting, October 24, 2016.

16. Andrew Wilson, “Our Alignment in the Era of True Mother,” May 22, 2017.

Accessed on July 7, 2017 at:

17. Exposition of the Divine Principle (New York: H.S.A-U.W.C., 1996), “Christology,” Section 4.1: Rebirth, p. 383.

18. Ibid., "Second Advent,," Section 1: When will Christ will return?, p. 383.


The above text of “The Misdeeds of Hak Ja Han (First edition)” as work and as a document, is made available under the “WPUS Public Domain Dedication and Usage License, Version 1.1.”

Publication date: July 10, 2017. First edition.

Newfoundland, PA, United States of America.

WPUS Public Domain Dedication and Usage License – Version 1.1

The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. The license granted herein does not allow for any modification to the words or written content of the document and the document is required to be published in its entirety or in unmodified excerpts.

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Attribution is requested as follows: “Source: World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc.”

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Hak Ja Han No longer wife of the True Parent

No longer wife of the True Parent Due to the unbreakable bond of loyalty and love between Hyung Jin Sean Moon and True Father, the messian...

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